A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

07 September 2015; Jesús Quezada Pottery

This is a beautiful example of pottery that was done by a member of the Quezada family of Mexico. In the 1970’s, Juan Quezada began experimenting with the Casas Grandes, or Mata Ortiz, style of pottery. Living in Casas Grandes, Juan was captivated at a young age by the exquisite pottery created there.

Showing the ingenuity and perseverance of a true artisan, Juan rediscovered traditional methods of construction, painting with slip, and firing techniques merely through research and experimentation.

In recognition of his passion and expertise, his pottery was brought into the states around 1976.

Juan taught many of his siblings, and they have developed their own styles that support the Mata Ortiz original. This particular piece is signed by Jesús Quezada. Jesús is known for his unique method of adding human effigies to his pots. Many of his pieces sport human faces rather than the more common animal designs from traditional artisan ancestors.

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