Yearly Archives: 2018

39 posts

22 January 2018; Feather Donation!

For the past few years, we’ve had the pleasure of being blessed with BEAUTIFUL feathers donated from Malinda Donovan. She raises some gorgeously colored chickens and collects feathers that molt from her beloved birds to share them with us. Many of our dreamcatchers that are made in-house feature these gathered […]

15 January 2018; Tribal List Yearly Round Up!

To bring awareness to the presence of Native people today, we ask people of tribal heritage to add their tribe to our guest book when they visit. Each year, we list the tribes that have been noted within that year and add it to an accumulative list that we show […]

8 January 2018; Winter Season

The Winter Season Has Begun! It came in roaring like a lion with below freezing temperatures and our parking lot full of ice! We are hoping, that the rest of this winter is gentle as a lamb as we work on a set of brand new exhibits inside! We’ll be […]