Monthly Archives: September 2024

3 posts

Pump Drills

We had a very interesting discussion in the museum about wampum and pump drills and our visiting family asked a question we didn’t know the answer to….How long were the pump drills used? So we promised to look into it and write up a feature about we found! A quick […]

a canned food in the box

Free Museum Day

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, individuals will have an opportunity to visit  the Frisco Native American Museum & Natural History Center with only a small donation – NO admission fee.  Originally the Smithsonian Magazine “Museum Day” (with a 20 year tradition of offering free admission to designated museums across the country) was […]

Website Changes

The world of technology is always changing at a rapid pace and we’re always trying to keep up as best we can. With some of the recent updates that our website has experienced (some of you may have noticed we were unexpectedly down for a few days), it made it […]