A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

24 June 2019; Employee Volunteer Donation Programs

We’ve had previous posts about one of our fantastic volunteers, Anna Meshejian. She often holds demonstrations on Yaupon tea that are well loved by everyone attending. What we didn’t know was that Anna also has a program through her work at Capitol One that encourages their employees to donate their time!

Through this program, the company donates to the non-profit of their choice when they are able to show proof of donated hours! So a very special thank you to Anna, who thinks of us in so many ways.

We hope that you take this opportunity, with our Volunteer Day coming up the first weekend of November, to check with your work place and see if they have any similar programs available so you can help in more ways than one!

We will be forever thankful to all of our wonderful volunteer members. And now we have a new avenue to be thankful for!

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