A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for our fallen warriors

If you have ever participated in a Native event, such as our past Powwows, you would have noticed that every event has at least one daily event where members of the military are asked to come forward so they can be shown honor.

The importance of honoring the warrior men and women that gave their all in service to their country can be a difficult thing for some Native people due to the tumultuous relationship between the government and the tribes. With Native people only being recognized as United States citizens in 1924, there’s a lot of complicated emotions for number of individuals.

But despite the painful history, the most important part of Memorial Day for the Native communities is remembering the love and pride for sacrifices made by those beloved tribal members that never made it home.

Some communities have chosen to call it Decoration Day. This is the day they choose to go to the graves of those lost to clean the grounds, decorate the sites, and honor the sacred dead. The work is sometimes followed with a feast with remaining family members as they share stories of those they have just cared for. To share in the memories, the respect, and the love for relatives alive and those that are now departed ancestors.

We hope that you have taken time, either alone or with family, to cherish and honor the memories of those warriors that gave their lives for us.

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