The museum has the pleasure of greeting visitors from all over the world every year. Since our mission is to support Native people, we encourage our guests to include their tribal affiliation when they sign our Guest Book. Not only do we get to enjoy discovering how many of our visitors have tribal heritage, but it allows us insight into the demographic reach. You can see the accumulated list that we post within the museum on your next visit!
This count is reflective of only those that have identified as having tribal heritage in our Guest Book for 2015. How can you help make our count more accurate for next year? Sign our Guest Book when visiting the museum and add your tribal affiliation!
The count for 2015 (first time appearances will appear in bold):
Abaneki |
Apache |
Blackfoot |
Catawba |
Chenga |
Cherokee |
Chickasaw |
Chippewa |
Choctaw |
Chumash |
Comanche |
Cree |
Creek |
Crow |
Haudenosaunee(Iroquois) |
Lumbee |
Machapunga |
Mackinac |
Madawaska Maliseet |
Maliseet |
Mohawk |
Mohegan |
Myaamiaki (Miami) |
Navajo |
Oglala Lakota |
Oneida |
Pamunkey |
Patawomeck |
Pend D’Oreille |
Qalipu Mi’kmaq |
Quapaw |
Rappahannock |
Seneca |
Shawnee |
Taino |
Taos |
Tuscarora |
Wappinger |
And as an added bonus, our listing encouraged two entries from tribal people outside the Americas!
Lugosa (Uganda) |
Tagalog (Philippines) |