A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

8 February 2016; Longhouse Fundraising

You may remember from a PREVIOUS POST that we are constructing a Longhouse on our Nature Trail!

We have a grant from the Outer Banks Community Fundation for building the longhouse, but it must be furnished to truly bring the past to life. This means we will also need to purchase materials to make baskets, mats, pottery, tools, and so much more! But as the video below states, this is just the beginning and we need YOUR help.

Follow THIS LINK TO OUR GOFUNDME campaign and be a part of our project, no matter where you are! You can also find the widget on the right side bar of our website.

Keep up with our website and Facebook for updates on the progress of the village as well as opportunities to lend a hand!

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