Resolve to adopt a Native American way regarding how we walk upon the earth and celebrate what is truly important: maintaining good relationships, caring for the earth – she who sustains us – , taking care of one another and reducing waste. Recycling shoes is one way to do just that!
The museum has partnered with Community Recycling and their ShoeBox Recycling program. Together we are on a mission to help promote the importance of shoe recycling while raising funds to help further our efforts.
We are collecting gently used shoes for reuse, meaning all the shoes we recycle as a group are destined for another home. Our ShoeBox Recycling efforts will go to help people and communities in over 50 countries.
Not only will your recycled shoes help the museum raise funds, it will also help keep usable shoes out of our local landfills.
So start cleaning out your closets and start looking under your bed for gently used shoes. Every pair you recycle means extra funds for us and less landfill waste. You’ll find a convenient drop off box as you enter the museum so stop in and see us today and bring along your used shoes.
For more information contact us here at the museum and check out Community Recycling online at