A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

World Bee Day!

Did you know that today is a day to celebrate all of our wonderful native bee species? We have so many species that have been spotted on museum grounds and this is the perfect time of year to take a look! From little Colletes bees on our yaupon flowers to large carpenter bees, all of them are very important pollinators that deserve a bit of recognition. Native bee species are responsible for a lot of pollination and are quite effective at their job. Quite a number of our native species are also solitary species, even though some may gather in the same area for nesting. They’re also quite docile and happy to just buzz about their day.

Below are just a small selection of species that have been found on or around museum grounds. Look at the incredible variety! We’d love to see any photos of native bees that you find as well, so comment them below!

For More Information

on how to better support your native bees, check out the Xerces Society, a non-profit dedicated to supporting all native pollinators that will help with what to plant for your specific region!

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