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We try and feature information from our exhibit items, events, or local history every week. E-mail us through our News & Update Post Suggestions page for questions or suggestions for future posts!

29 February 2016; Beaded Needle Carrier

As the piece is displayed in the exhibit (see first photo in set) it appears to be a simple panel that is covered in beautiful beadwork. What remains unseen is that the piece is actually an imaginative tri-fold carrier for needles. This style of beadwork is common to that of […]

22 February 2016; Recycle Your Shoes at the Museum

Resolve to adopt a Native American way regarding how we walk upon the earth and celebrate what is truly important: maintaining good relationships, caring for the earth – she who sustains us – , taking care of one another and reducing waste.  Recycling shoes is one way to do just […]

15 February 2016; Kwakiutl Bumble Bee

This is a Bumble Bee (also called “The Scratcher”) mask from the Kwakiutl people of the Pacific Northwest. Often worn by children during the Potlatch ceremony, the Bee Dancers would provide some comic relief as they buzzed around the participants. Those that were “stung” by the bees would then be […]

8 February 2016; Longhouse Fundraising

You may remember from a PREVIOUS POST that we are constructing a Longhouse on our Nature Trail! We have a grant from the Outer Banks Community Fundation for building the longhouse, but it must be furnished to truly bring the past to life. This means we will also need to […]

1 February 2016; Amazon Smile!

Did you know that your online shopping can generate income for the museum at no cost to you? The Amazon Smile Foundation will automatically donate .5% of every eligible purchase each time you shop. It’s easy, just go to AmazonSmile to link to your regular Amazon account and select us […]

25 January 2016; Peyote Feather Fan

Feathers are a common sight at Native Powwow’s. Women dance with beautifully decorated fans made from long wing or tail feathers. Sometimes, vendors and dancers can be seen smudging with either a single, or a fan, of feathers from a variety of birds. The fan we have featured here today […]

18 January 2016; Dzunuk’wa (Wild Woman) Mask

This mask from the Northwest Coast features one of the more fantastical beings in the Northwest Coast: Dzunuk’wa, or Wild Woman. In legend, she was twice as large as a human and rumored to carry a large basket of captured children who had wandered into her woods. She was also […]

11 January 2016; Porcupine Quill Designs

The American Porcupine(Erethizon dorsatum), is from the rodent family. It is characterized by the long, sharp quills that line its back and tail. When threatened, a porcupine will bristle its quills and use them as defense against a predator by slapping the tail against the threat. Despite its aggressive appearance, […]

4 January 2016; Tribal Visitors

The museum has the pleasure of greeting visitors from all over the world every year. Since our mission is to support Native people, we encourage our guests to include their tribal affiliation when they sign our Guest Book. Not only do we get to enjoy discovering how many of our […]

28 December 2015; Military Buttons as Beads

Buttons, especially metal military buttons, are often found when archaeologists are excavating the site of a native village. Does this mean that the two groups lived in harmony together? Not necessarily. While it was not unheard of for natives and Europeans to coexist, more commonly, the two relied on each […]

21 December 2015; Soapstone Turtle Pipe

Pipes for the natives typically evoke images of “peace pipes” with long, decorated, stems and a small bowl at the end. But not all tribes used that style of pipe. This example is a traditional pipe, carved in soapstone by David Big Bear. The pipe here is a fetish pipe […]

14 December 2015; Wampum and the Outer Banks

In response to our invitation for suggestions and questions for Museum Monday features, we were delighted that Becky Rollinson asked if wampum was used as currency by the tribes on the Outer Banks. The word “Wampum” actually comes from the Narragansett (from Rhode Island) and literally means ‘white shell beads.’ […]