A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

Do You Want To Be An Invasive Detective?

We get so many lovely visitors to the museum and we recently had the absolute joy of a woman who worked with the National Park Service (NPS) around the capital that was a part of the Invasive Plant Management Team (IPMT). She graciously took the time to explain what she did and we felt it was something many of our visitors would be interested it. We’re going to be sharing some information on what it is these programs and how you can get involved to help make a difference.

What does the IPMTs do?

flowers on green bush

These are dedicated people that work and volunteer across 17 different established teams to look for and research new potential invasive species of plants across the United States with a focus in the areas of our National Parks. They also work to restore native species to help restore the natural balance of ecosystems that have been damaged by invasive species.

This kind of work is done both in large natural preserves like Alligator River and Yellowstone National Park as well as urban areas that are often overlooked like D.C.

Why Is This So Important?

Ecosystems have an incredible and complex balance that rely on a multitude of creatures. Sometimes, an introduced species can throw off that balance and cause an incredible amount of damage that is wide spread. You may recall a previous post where we discussed just a glimpse into that enormous circle of life where we discussed new gall wasp species.

Not all new-to-the-region species are harmful though, some, like the European Hornet (Vespa crabro) have become what we call naturalized, meaning they’ve managed to become part of the existing ecosystem without causing irreparable harm.

These teams do lengthy work of studying new species that show up, called Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) in order to tell the difference between a new neighbor and a species that we need to try and aggressively manage before it gets out of control. By monitoring how fast a new-to-the-region species spreads as well as the population of native species in comparison, they are the unsung heroes.

pink flowers on the tree

yellow dandelion flower

Some examples of how invasive plants harm the ecosystem are how non-native dandelions can easily outcompete native species and while they produce food for pollinators, it is low quality so it actively lessens the breeding numbers of some of our threatened and endangered species like the beloved bumble bees. Other, like the crepe myrtle and evergreen privet spread quickly and drain nutrients and strangle sunlight that allows for important native plants to thrive. Though these plants can be lovely in landscaping, they can quickly escape to harm many of the surrounding wildlife whether directly or indirectly.

What Can YOU Do?

It’s easy to start getting involved and all you need is iNaturalist and a phone with a camera! Even this time of year, taking and logging photos of new leaf growth is just as important as adding the prettier photos of flowers and fruits. You can also look for local projects within iNaturalist such as this Invasive Detective for the Capital Area!

You can also check for IPMT’s and partners in your area! Get involved directly and ask what they need help with the most.

Connect with your state’s extension office or plant societies such as our own North Carolina Native Plant Society to get a list of plants that they recommend to include in your landscaping. Or the NC Extension Office Invasive Toolbox to help know what to remove and or the Invasive Species Info Page to improve your understanding of invasive, non-native, naturalized, aggressive native, and native species.

Maybe you can even encourage some of your local facilities to host an event to educate your community and have a native plant swap!

close up photo of green leaves

We’re In This Together!

monarch butterfly

We’re all living in this world together. Indigenous people were connected to the land they lived on and understood we had to be active in its care. Though many of us live in cities and disconnected, we can take the first simple steps to reacquaint ourselves with the beauty and importance of nature.

Simple steps can help support species that we love.

What will you do? We’d love to hear about it!

Special Thanks

to the absolute gem of a woman who spent so much time talking with us about her passions and sharing how people can get involved. We’d like to share the project she’s personally involved in as well as some other important references.

Capital Region PRISM – Partnership for regional invasive species management

Invasive Detective for the Capital Area iNat Program – iNaturalist link for the Capital Region PRISM project

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center – Partner with the IPMT’s of the NPS for the Gulf Coast

Invasive Species Info Page – NC Extension office page that offers extensive information and links for North Carolina

IPMT’s List of Teams and Partners – Current list of active teams and their partners for your area

Xerces Society Community Science – Open projects for both pollinators and native plant species and how they intersect

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