A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

Events & Programs

Currently Available Classes and/or Special Guest Speakers

Check out what special things we’ve got going on at the museum! Sign up in advance by clicking on the event listing you’re interested in. There will be a section to purchase tickets and to ensure your spot in events with limited seating.

Interested in one of our classes but we don’t have availability for your vacation schedule? From October to December, we are able to create a class for your group within our normal hours of operation. You MUST have a minimum of 5 people and call or use our CONTACT PAGE in advance so we can discuss availability of staff and materials before your visit.

Trial Event

Frisco Native American Museum 53536 Nc Hwy 12, Frisco, NC, United States

This is a trial event to see how listings will function in the new plugin! We appreciate your patience as we do our best to work on a way to stream our events to make everything easier for YOU! We appreciate your patience as we go through and learn a new event listing!

Free With Admission

Thrills & Chills Hatteras Museum Halloween Tour

Come and experience a scary, myth filled adventure through your favorite museums on Hatteras Island with our 1st Annual "Thrills & Chills Hatteras Museum Halloween Tour"! Join us, the Frisco Native American Museum, as we partner with the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station, The Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, and The Lost Colony Museum to bring you […]

“Sticking” To Tradition

Frisco Native American Museum 53536 Nc Hwy 12, Frisco, NC, United States

Join us to make talking sticks for the museum! The process is straightforward and you don't need special skills to participate. Bring a snack, sit in our beautiful Natural History Center, and help the museum while enjoying the company! What are talking sticks? Talking sticks are decorated sticks that are used when we circle up […]

Hatteras Island Museums Open House Fall Extravaganza

Frisco Native American Museum 53536 Nc Hwy 12, Frisco, NC, United States

Frisco Native American Museum announces the FIRST “Hatteras Island Museums Open House Fall Extravaganza”. On Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 Explore your favorite Hatteras Island Museums!  Chicamacomico Life Saving Station, Frisco Native American Museum, Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, and The Lost Colony Museum. Want to try something NEW?  Each site is giving away recipes! Collect […]

Sponsored Events

Annual Museum Day

The Frisco Native American Museum continues the spirit of the annual event that used to be Smithsonian Museum Day Live by offering free admission with bringing a canned good. Visitors are welcome to bring more than one item for donation.

September 14, 2024

Click Here For More Information

Take A Child Outside Week

This international program is designed to help break down obstacles that keep children from discovering the natural world and to arm parents, teachers, and other caregivers with resources and recreational activities for exploring local habitats

Some things in life are free . . .

Check Back For 2025 Dates

Click Here For More Information

Outer Banks Wildfest

Lots of fun activities on the island to learn about local wildlife. The museum has had a booth that has activities about bats where children could make their own bat hand-puppet! Check back to see if we will be having a booth as the theme changes each year.

Check back for 2024 dates

Click Here For More Information

RWS Earth Day & Plant Swap

The museum has participated in the first annual Earth Day event with a talk about our local pollinators, dispelling spider myths, and friendly snakes to gently pet. Join us next year along with other local vendors and educators to celebrate the natural world we’re all a part of.

Check back for 2025 dates

Click Here For More Information

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