Happy National Bird Day!
Bird Day was started to raise awareness of the role of birds in the ecosystem as well as their conservation.

That most bird feathers are federally protected even if you just find them on the ground? In 1918, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act was signed. Though each country signed at a different time, it’s currently between Canada, the US, Mexico, Japan, and Russia to help protect many species that were being hunted to dangerously low numbers, and often just for their feathers. You’re not allowed to possess, sell, or even trade feathers of most native birds without special permission before hand.
What does this mean for native people and feathers?
It means that unlike popular rumor that claims you just have to be a tribal member, in the eyes of US law, you have to apply for permission to acquire any parts from a deceased bird for religious purposes, and only bald and golden eagles are officially listed under parts that are currently under consideration for permits. They considered expanding the list for native ceremonial use in 2007, but no amendment has actually been made.
So at this point, in the eyes of the government, only individuals that have applied for the permits for each piece that was found or have applied for feather acquisition from the federal repository are permitted to be in possession of any part, including found feathers, of any bird on the protection list which can be found here and has been recently updated in 2024.
Some artisans have found creative ways around this by dying domestic turkey feathers to look like various birds of prey feathers! Check out these “hawk” feathers from Crazy Crow for example!
They have become popular choices for those not able to apply for permits due for various reasons. It’s also an option that supports artisans, which is a wonderful added bonus!