A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

10 October 2022; Fall/Winter Classes

Last year, our classes went over so well that we’re bringing them back! This Saturday, the 15th, Amber is holding the first class with teaching how to make Dreamcatchers. Multiple food classes and several different opportunities to learn how to make dreamcatchers or pine needle baskets are currently scheduled. You can see all of the available classes by going to our EVENTS & PROGRAMS PAGE or by scrolling down and seeing the list added to this post. By clicking the event, you can purchase a seat in advance to ensure your placement in the class(es) of your choosing.

During this time of year, we also offer the chance to schedule a class! Your group must have 5 or more people and you must call an absolute minimum of 24 hours ahead of time. Scheduling will depend on availability of materials and can only be done during our normal business hours.

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