A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

18 August 2014; Abalone Fish Hook

For many coastal tribes, stone was hard to find. This means their craft people didn’t have many materials to make arrowheads or spear points for hunting. While tribes on the mainland may have found it hard to hunt without such tools, the coastal Natives found ways to adapt by using what they could find in their area.

The photos above show an expertly formed fish hook that was made with abalone shell. Abalone can be found today along the California coast, but requires a special permit to harvest. These shells are not only beautiful, but strong and yet malleable enough to re-shape the point if it is damaged. Tied together with sinew, this hook was made for large fish just as our modern hooks are today!

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