A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

5 June 2023; Summer Classes Start This Week!

Summer Classes at Frisco Native American Museum equals Family Fun!

Every Friday June 9th through September 1st at 2pm come and share some fun learning Native American crafts, music and natural history.

Learn Finger Weaving, string a bead necklace, Sing and Drum, and learn about all sorts of critters!

Classes cost $10/person and we recommend purchasing tickets ahead of time to reserve your space via our Events & Programs page.

Native American Finger Weaving

June 9th

July 7th

August 11th

Native peoples used Finger Weaving to make belts and sashes that shared family and tribal stories. You will be learning the basics and making your own bracelet, or hat band, or choker. You will also take home a craft for making gifts!

Crazy about Beads

June 30th

July 28th

August 25th

We just love everything Beads! You will be making a strung beaded necklace for yourself or a gift for someone close.

The Drum is our Heartbeat

June 16th

July 14th

August 4th

If you go to a pow wow you will hear people say “the drum is the heartbeat of the earth”. Join Grayhawk Parsons and learn how important the drum is to Natives. He will be teaching a couple of songs, and you’ll have a chance to use a hand drum!

Snakes, and Spiders, and Bugs….OH MY!

June 23rd

July 21st

August 18th


When we talk about how Natives respected animals in nature, the discussion is typically centered around well loved animals like bear, eagle, buffalo, and wolf. But what about our smaller animal neighbors?

Join us as Amber talks about the frequently misunderstood creatures of the often unseen aspects of our environment. From pollination to pest control and from forest clean up to disease control, learn how our tiniest neighbors can provide some of the biggest benefits. Circumstances permitting, there may also be a chance to meet some of the animal friends we discuss!

Participants will receive seeds to support important native pollinators and stickers designed by Amber herself!

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