A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

24 March to April 21; Back to the Future Museum Monday Celebration

Bringing the Past to Our New Future

Those that have been a part of the social media world have been able to participate in our Museum Monday posts for over a year now! While we love each and every one of our Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers, and Google Plusers, there still remain a large number of people that do not participate in any of the social networking sites. Until now, those that abstain from social media, like Facebook, weren’t able to reach any of the fantastic information were were putting out. Thankfully, our new website layout allows us to post public Museum Mondays for all visitors to our website to enjoy!

Since our design is brand new, visitors to our site would be unable to see any information from the posts of the past. That didn’t seem quite right, so we’re taking the next few weeks leading up to our Back to the Future Gathering to add all of those glorious past posts to our updated website!

How Does It Work?

Each post will be post-dated and appear on our website in the same order in which they appeared on our social media sites. For example, a post from the June 2013 will appear in our June 2013 archives rather than appear as if it was posted in the coming weeks. Those that follow the feed of our social media sites will see a small group each Monday as we continue to add previous posts. Not only will our long-time followers see some of their past favorites in a new format, but our new fans will see something new from our past!

Celebrate Back to the Future 2014 with us by checking out our older posts!

We’ve also added a new Search feature in the top right corner of the page!

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