A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

25 May 2015 Anasazi Bowl

As discussed in a previous post, the Anasazi people are believed to have thrived around the 12th Century BC. Their earliest pottery had designs in shades of black and white. It was only later in their culture that other colors appeared. These colors were made from slip, a type of paint created from the clay body.

The Anasazi pottery can be classified into several groups: Tusayan Gray Ware, Tusayan White Ware, Little Colorado White Ware, Mesa Verde White Ware, Pajarito Gray Ware, Cibola White Ware, White Mountain Red Ware, San Juan Orange Ware, Tsegi Orange Ware, Jeddito Yellow Ware, and Rio Grande Ware. The classification is based on location, age, and coloration of the pottery.

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