A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

5 July 2021; Carl Bornfriend Memorial

On September 5, 2019, Carl Bornfriend (1931-2019), beloved husband and father, transitioned from this world. Born in Philadelphia, he lived in Frisco, NC for the last 35 years of his life. As a life-long educator, he left a legacy of amazing achievements: teacher—with students from pre-school to 90 +, founder of the Frisco Native American Museum, scout master, coach, volunteer fireman, community service volunteer, conservation and environmental champion, innovator, trail blazer, and loyal friend.

With a determination to live every minute as fully as possible, he gave unselfishly of his immeasurable love, wisdom, and creativity. His reverence for every living being underscored each step of his remarkable journey, and he touched thousands of people over the course of his life, leaving positive imprints that will echo through time.

One of his beloved friends, Helen Kennedy, was moved to sculpt a bust of Carl out of clay and then cast him in bronze. Her work is incredible beyond words and we are honored to house this magnificent piece in the museum that Carl put so much of himself into.

Accompanying this piece is a video exhibit that you can find on the display to the left of this breathtaking resemblance. There’s two videos on the museum, and one on the story of Carl, himself. The videos were made possible by our dedicated staff members as well as those loving volunteers that provided several photos that encompass beautiful memories.

While this doesn’t fill the hole that is left behind without him, it certainly is something that helps to keep his charismatic influence in the museum he loved so much.

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