A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

1 June 2015; Antler Dreamcatcher

Due to extensive trade routes between tribes, many craft styles and designs have made their way across the country. The sharing that took place as a result of traveling enabled many artisans to adapt their traditional works to include new designs. The piece we’re featuring today is a perfect example of mixing traditional art with the the craft work of a different tribe.

The dreamcatcher was originally from the Ojibwe in the Great Lakes region. The web made of sinew was said to be representative of a spiderweb meant to catch the dreams that float above the head of the dreamer. However, this caribou antler is all the way from the Northwest Coast! Caribou are a major food source for many tribes across the northern and the artistic carving of the antlers was common. Have you ever seen any examples of mixed traditions?

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