For many years, the museum has held the Journey Home on the last weekend of April. First a Powwow, then Dancing Moccasins, and finally the Sharing Circle. Each event was a glorious experience that holds wonderful memories. Now we’re getting ready to change it again and hope that you are excited as we are.
The Nature Trail is a beautiful place that lies where the Hattorask Natives would have had one of their many island villages. To celebrate this, the museum intends to create a living village type atmosphere along the trail; complete with a longhouse, dugout canoe, and sustainable garden. Because this endeavor will take a lot of work, we’re integrating into our Journey Home event!
Participate in the fundraiser to help us make this event the best that it can be!
Being a small, private, non-profit sometimes means that we don’t always have the funding to be able to accomplish all of our goals through the years. So this year we’re trying something new and asking for donations via OUR INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN.
- Be an important part of the Journey Home from where ever you are
- Help cover the cost of soil, heirloom seeds, and the care through the year
- Get some really cool gifts as a Thank You from the Museum
- Every little bit helps, so even $1.00 is a cherished gift
Join our team of volunteers as we start work on museum projects for the nature trail that can be accomplished only through team effort!
- Experience a full day of camaraderie and work or join us for half a day, an hour – whatever amount of time you can share.
- Learn how to make rope out of yucca leaves and help make mats for our future longhouse
- Choose one of our seedlings and join the revitalization team as you plant YOUR tree. Mark that spot in your heart so you can come back and nurture your tree as you watch it grow to full maturity.
- Help prepare an area for a native garden.
- Help burn and scrape a Cyprus or Juniper log to create a dug out canoe. (Project dependent on securing an appropriate log.)
- Bring a Pot Luck offering for lunch and share the bounty provided by others – including fantastic Fry Bread cooked by native gourmets.
- Help select and design the spot for construction of a long house on the nature trail to begin with the 2015 Journey Home.
- Join the Sharing Circle on Sunday afternoon where we draw on the wisdom and experience of everyone present, removing boundaries and forging new connections
You can sign-up for the event by following THIS LINK and adding a booking at the bottom of the page.
Remember to check back with our website for updates on the 2014 Journey Home!