Local History

9 posts

These posts will be all about our local tribes that used to inhabit this area as well as anything related to our Local Exhibits

Concrete Trees?

If you’ve been to any of our amazing summer classes you’ve been able to see one of our latest accomplishments in person. Our Natural History Center was recently remodeled to provide a unique classroom experience of being out in nature without concerns like mosquito swarms. One of the things at […]

4 March 2024; Yucca or Yuca?

While the yucca aren’t quite in bloom, we’ve been having some important discussions in the museum about plant identification. The recipe in the museum cookbook for fried yucca flowers was causing some confusion because folks were using yucca and yuca interchangeably when in fact they refer to two different types […]

3 July 2023; Visitor Question on Cypress

We often say at the admission counter to “let us know if you have any questions”, and it brightens our day when folks take us up on the offer. The other day we had a young man ask a question that we weren’t quite sure of. We enthusiastically assured him […]

15 May 2023; Fishing Sinker Donation

Our staff had the pleasure of meeting the Savidge Family earlier in the year and we were pleased to see them again this week. But we weren’t expecting them to come with such a cool find! They found this on Hatteras Island at Cape Point and were hoping that with […]

17 April 2023; See Amber in Rodanthe for Earth Day!

Many of you know Amber from the front admissions, but did you know she will be out in the wild on Saturday from 11am – 2pm at the RWS Community Building in Rodanthe for a Plant Swap event! She will be hosting a table to talk to people about our […]

Volunteer Days: October 2017

The Village is Closer to Completion! Over the past few years, a dedicated group of volunteers has been coming to the museum to pour their heart and hard work into this dream. Slowly, we’ve been seeing it come together with the added help of new members to the group we […]

Loblolly Pine Seedlings for the Journey Home 2014

Dare County Forest Ranger, Rob Shackelford, delivered 100 Loblolly pine seedlings to the Frisco Native American Museum & Nature History Center. Museum staff will plant half of the trees immediately and plant the other fifty as part of 2014 Journey Home: Back to the Future scheduled for April 27 & […]