
24 posts

These posts are about any donations and words of thanks that we’ve extended to our supporters

16 October 2023; Got Any Deer Antlers?

These incredibly unique dreamcatchers are a joy to make, but the antlers are not something that come in our typical crafting materials. We’re reaching out to our museum supporters, especially with hunting season being around the corner, and asking for YOUR help! Got any deer antlers that would make great […]

28 August 2023; New Magnets

When we say we have some of the best visitors, we really mean it! One of those visitors is a member of Bear Creek Supply right here in North Carolina. We collaborated before to produce new mugs that have been a hot item, and now we’ve got brand new magnets […]

21 August 2023; Donate Supplies via Amazon!

We’ve gotten asked several times about different ways to donate to the museum. There’s the ones most people are aware of, like donations of artifacts or cash in our donation box. We’ve shared about putting us as your Non-profit of choice on AmazonSmile too! There’s volunteering your services, which we […]

14 August 2023; New Gift Shop Items

Those of us that are frequent readers are used to having our favorite comfortable spots to cuddle down with our books. But when you’re on the go? It means traveling with you reading pillow and extra bags for your book, or even worse, trying to carry both of them (as […]

10 July 2023; Gratitude

We’ve gotten some anonymous donations as of late and we wanted to say thanks to those lovely people for such a wonderful surprise you gifted us with. Thanks to our anonymous donor of $100 in donation box. Thanks to our anonymous donor through Network for Good. When we say every […]

12 June 2023; John Day From Ohio

It always brightens our day to hear “Hey! It’s John Day from Ohio!” when we pick up the phone. Mr. Day has been a long time friend of the museum that we wanted to publicly show our appreciation of. He’s donated countless pieces of flint and churt he’s picked up […]

15 May 2023; Fishing Sinker Donation

Our staff had the pleasure of meeting the Savidge Family earlier in the year and we were pleased to see them again this week. But we weren’t expecting them to come with such a cool find! They found this on Hatteras Island at Cape Point and were hoping that with […]

8 May 2023; Bear Creek Gratitude

Imagine our surprise and delight when we heard that the incredible people at Bear Creek Supply (the same folks that made our recent mugs we posted) were going to generously donate some supplies! When we say every little bit helps, we mean it with our whole hearts. Jewelry boxes and […]

1 May 2023; Volunteer Weekend Appreciation

We were blessed by some very passionate museum family members coming together this past weekend! Laurie LeGrand and Barefoot Wade are both beloved volunteers and we were overjoyed to hear that both of them wanted to get together to help us out. They scheduled with one of our staff members, […]

Volunteer Days: October 2017

The Village is Closer to Completion! Over the past few years, a dedicated group of volunteers has been coming to the museum to pour their heart and hard work into this dream. Slowly, we’ve been seeing it come together with the added help of new members to the group we […]

Loblolly Pine Seedlings for the Journey Home 2014

Dare County Forest Ranger, Rob Shackelford, delivered 100 Loblolly pine seedlings to the Frisco Native American Museum & Nature History Center. Museum staff will plant half of the trees immediately and plant the other fifty as part of 2014 Journey Home: Back to the Future scheduled for April 27 & […]

Journey Home 2014: Back to the Future, 1st Annual Museum Project Day

For many years, the museum has held the Journey Home on the last weekend of April. First a Powwow, then Dancing Moccasins, and finally the Sharing Circle. Each event was a glorious experience that holds wonderful memories. Now we’re getting ready to change it again and hope that you are […]