A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

09 December 2013; Seasons Of Change

As part of our new “Seasons of Change” exhibit, we have a Web Of Life section were we discuss how we are all connected to our environment. Included in this exhibit is a sheet for our visitors to add any suggestions to help save our environment. We will occasionally be sharing what has been written for all of you to enjoy!
This is the first set of suggestions we’ve taken from the board:
-Turn off water when cleaning your teeth. Use water only to wash your brush, rinse. JJ – Manns Harbor, NC
-Set up rain barrels to collect water for gardening. Plant “rain gardens” of native plants. This helps to collect water in heavy rains and then slowly filters it back into the water table. Plus, it’s pretty and doesn’t have to be wasted. Kate – Wisconsin

-Take shorter showers and less bath water – Allison McSweeney

-Use the cold bathwater to water your plants. Lindsay McSweeney

-Save water when washing dishes by rinsing everything at one time. LB – Florida

-Make compost from fruit and vegetable peels. leftovers, trimmed grass, etc. and use the compost in the garden.

-Unplug electrical items not being used to save electricity.

-Don’t kill animals for their skins – use road kill or animals who die naturally.

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