A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

11 December 2017; A Brand New Project!

We’re at it again!

Ever since Hurricane Matthew, it seems we’ve been full of renewed energy and inspiration! We have a brand new exhibit in store, but we need a bit of help from YOU!

Our plans are to create a beautiful new space completely dedicated to the local tribes. This also includes touching on local food sources such as turkey. So what do we need from you?

We need to be able to display local wildlife. Though an artistic rendering could work, it is our hope that we would be able to show well mounted animals that would be presented through the local exhibit.

We are looking for turkey specifically, but are in need of many taxidermy examples of local wildlife such as martins, otters, water birds, small turtles, and snakes. If you are able to donate, or know of someone willing to donate a mounted animal for our exhibit, please contact us using the form below!

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