A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.
A non-profit educational foundation created for the purpose of preserving Native American artifacts, art, and culture.

17 February 2020; Get Ready For Native Journeys!

Set the date for our Annual Native Journey Festival!

This year, we are offering the chance to purchase tickets THROUGH OUR EVENT PAGE LISTING BY CLICKING HERE. You are, of course, welcome to still purchase tickets at the gate.

Stay tuned as we add more details closer to the event, but know that you can expect dancing, drumming, vending, food, hands-on learning opportunities, a chance to talk with Native elders, and MORE!!!

We tried to answer some of the most common questions in the FAQ’s on the page linked above, so make sure to check them out!

Want to support the event?

We’ve got some new items listed in our Shop page and the proceeds go directy to the museum so we can continue to hold events every year. You can order select designs from the Shop providers, or head to our RedBubble link, also listed on the Shop page, that has some designs of our 2020 Festival!

We are always happy to have volunteers to help with tasks that vary from bringing water to the vendors and demonstrators to helping set up and tear down. Can’t volunteer but still want to help out? Consider buying an ad for our program book that goes out to ALL visitors to the event! Feature your business or fill it with a personal message. Spaces start at $25 for a business card sized slot. You can send a finished design or give details so our in-house graphics person can put one together for you! Fill out this form below to let us know if you’re interested:

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